Participants found the content empowering, and most said they would share the messages with others. Reactions to intervention content revealed that social cognitive strategies to improve knowledge, outcome expectations, skills, and self-efficacy resonated well with workshop participants. Results: The intervention framework specified six SRHR domains that were viewed as highly relevant by FSWs. Workshop data were thematically analyzed using a mixed deductive and inductive approach. Second, we piloted the intervention by conducting six workshops with 42 FSWs to test and refine message content and 12 interviews to assess the technical performance of the intervention. First, we drafted content for three different types of messages based on a review of the literature and behavior change theories. Methods: The research team worked closely with FSWs in two phases of intervention development. Objective: This paper aimed to (1) describe the process of development of the WHISPER intervention, its theoretical framework, key content domains and strategies and (2) explore workshop participants’ responses to the proposed intervention, particularly with regard to message content, behavior change constructs, and feasibility and acceptability. The Women’s Health Intervention using SMS for Preventing Pregnancy (WHISPER) mobile phone intervention uses a participatory development approach and behavior change theory to address these high-priority concerns of FSWs in Mombasa, Kenya. A broader approach integrates contraceptive promotion with HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and management, alcohol awareness, gender-based violence and rights, and health care utilization. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal 10 articlesĮmail: Female sex workers (FSWs) have high rates of both unintended pregnancy and HIV, but few health promotion interventions address their contraceptive needs or other sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) concerns.JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology 32 articles.JMIR Biomedical Engineering 68 articles.

JMIR Perioperative Medicine 89 articles.JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 201 articles.JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 279 articles.Interactive Journal of Medical Research 306 articles.JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 1141 articles.Journal of Medical Internet Research 7471 articles.The driver of the vehicle fled on foot and was apprehended within minutes after,” according to the sheriff’s office. Investigators performed a pit maneuver on the suspect vehicle, where it came to a stop.

“As a result, the driver of the vehicle failed to stop and a short chase ensued.